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If you feel that working at Albayan is right for you, please fill in an application form and we will be happy to receive it. Please note that employment opportunities are not always posted on our website.

The health and safety of our students is paramount. We carry out enhanced disclosure checks and thorough reference checks.

Thank you for you interest in joining Albayan Schools. If there are no job openings, we will keep your application on active file for future reference

مدارس البيان ترحّب بكم للانضمام إلى أسرتها التربويّة، وتشكركم على اهتمامكم. أمّا مع عدم وجود أماكن شاغرة فيبقى هذا الطّلب محفوظًا وينظر فيه عند الحاجة 

Job Title
English Language Teacher
French Language Teacher
Preschool Homeroom Teacher
Science Teacher
Physical Education/ Sports Teacher
Computer Teacher
IT Support
فنون متنوّعة/مسرح/موسيقى

How to apply

To apply for a vacancy please complete the confidential application form below. The form contains questions about your academic and employment history and your suitability for the role.

The interview process includes:

  • Lesson observation
  • Face-to-face, formal interview
  • Verification of experience, qualifications and proficiency status.

All candidates should be interviewed by at least one senior member of staff, but ideally by both the Principal and Head of Divisions. Candidates must understand exactly what is required of the teaching role, and the successful candidate should be given a full briefing by the Director of Studies.

Shortlisted candidates will be required to provide documentational proof of their qualifications and professional status.

Please note that incomplete application forms are invalid. We do not accept a curriculum vitae in place of an application form.